
What are the new governments safe limits on drinking for a woman?

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  1. It is 14 units a week for women and 21 for men - however daily limits are now quoted as people may have been drinking their full weekly units in one big measure so generally this evens out at 2-3 units being consumed each day.

    Binge drinking has various definitions including : 1) going out with the intention of getting drunk, 2) drinking ten units in one session or 3) drinking half your weekly allowance in one go (7 and 10 as above).

  2. They don't know as it changes on a daily basis. Just enjoy yourself and be your own judge.

  3. Where can I drink for a woman?  And do I get any choice on what sort of woman is the prize?


  5. one pinea colada per customer.

  6. My doctor says that I don't binge drink, because I drink every night, not loads all at once.  So that is better.  Lol.

  7. depends on your point of view.

    the nanny/police state admitted the alcohol guidelines they came up with back 30-odd years ago, were actually snatched out of thin air.

    but back then, alcoholics were the exception & not the rule.

    It's best to Look at alcohol for what it is, a drug.

    A highly addictive drug, like all the others & the attempts by our nu-labour government to force 24hr licensing continental drinking culture on the UK has FAILED miserably.

    Alcohol consumption should return to the occasional instead of the everyday abuse it's getting now.

    But I would say that I'm teetotal I think it's pointless calling heroin, methamphetamine & cocaine illegal while making taxes from alcohol, since the opening hours were extended the debt on society, the demand on A&E depts, the rise in domestic/child abuse, drink-driving, sodden high-streets awash with blood, p & worse.  is nothing short of shameful.

    I say bring back common sense & ration alcohol.

    Curb its sale & decreased consumption will follow.

    I say don't drink.

    But if you must NO MORE than 1 unit a day.

    & even that amount danish scientists have proved can cause cancer in susceptible people, especially women.

    so on your head be it.


  8. They recommend no more than 2-3 units a day for women.

    I'm pleased that other answerers have said there is no evidence for these figures.

    When I have said that on here in the past, no one believed me :)

  9. 2 to 3 units, which is basically one pint of cider or one glass of wine.

    The experts who came up with these figures freely admit they were made up on the back of an envelope, but the government trots them out in all seriousness anyway. Human beings differ so much from each other, it's a bit like recommending the same amount of dog food for a Yorkshire Terrier and a Dobermann.

    When a bunch of nurses, call centre workers and shop girls get together for a night on the lash, it's called binge drinking. When a group of Daily Mail reading, Cambridge educated professional women on 50 grand a year go round to each others' houses to enjoy several bottles of wine, it's called drinking socially.

  10. 2-3 units per day, which is about 2 alcopops :)

    Binge drinking would be getting drunk, deliberately, so generally exceeding that regularly :)

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