
What are the normal classes in Middle School?

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I am going into Middle School next this year and I was wondering what the normal classes are there. I'd like to know! Thank You!




  1. At mostly every school there are these classes:

    Math (Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, AP Chemistry...)

    English Literature (6,7,8,9,10,12)

    Language (Spanish, French, Latin, German..)

    History (All types of years)

    Science (All types)

  2. Uhmm, well what do you mean? I think it depends on the school but there's gonna be math [or prealgebra or algebra], english, science and gym or physical education<--those are the normal classes.

  3. I attended public middle school for one year (seventh grade) I took :

    math, language arts, science, social studies, spanish, chorus, gym, music, home ec, art, woodshop, computers, and I'm pretty sure that's it ...

    My school ran on an ABC schedule though, so I did not take these courses everyday of course.

  4. middle school would just be: english, math [pre-algebra or algebra], science, history, P.E., and some sort of elective [art, band, choir...]

    but some other middle schools offer a foreign language  

  5. I am a middle school teacher and the classes that 6th graders take are math 6, world history, general science, and english as the academic classes and health, PE, music, computers, spanish, or art as your exploratory classes. Students only have two of those choices at a time and those classes change every quarter.

  6. at my school i have english, study hall, math, science, social studies,foreign language,woodshop,gym and home ec.

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