
What are the normal sleeping timings for child ?

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of 3 years

he sleeps a couple of hours at 14:00 but sleeps again at midnight !

the next morning wakes up bot before 09:00

is this normal ? getting us real tired ?




  1. wen ever  their tired

  2. my two year old naps for an hour and a half to two hours during the day (bedtime 7:30pm wakes up around 7am give or take 30 min)

    my six year old (bedtime 8pm wakes up around 6:30-7am)

    i would say change the naps or eliminate them, put kid to bed around 8 or 9pm and eventually you will get him in a routine where he sleeps through the night and has a constant schedule

  3. I know that at 3 years of age he should be sleeping through the night and not waking up.  

    At six months my baby was sleeping through the night.  We just ignored her (because we knew she wasn't hungry/dirty/ect).  That worked and she'd wake up once for a feeding.  Now she's 18months and she sleeps 13 hours.  But at 3 years of age he'll be set in his ways.   So it's not that easy to "ignore him"

    The 14:00 nap time seems fine, that shouldn't make him super awake if he's only sleeping for 2 hours.  

    I hope someone can help you.  But no, it's not normal.

  4. Cut that daytime sleep most children grow out of it by 3. My son stopped having a sleep in the day at 2 and a half we stopped it because he started playing up at bedtime because he wasn't tired where he had been sleeping in the day. He now goes to bed around 7 and gets up around 8 the next morning.

  5. sleep times depend on the amount of benadryl given

  6. Somehow he has just gotten on an odd sleep schedule.  I would suggest avoiding the nap one day and putting him to bed around 8 or 9...Then continuously keep trying to incorporate the schedule.  You are the parent, step up and do your best to take control of the situation.

  7. Maybe 14:00 is too late for a nap. Try 12:00. Midnight is way too late for bed time. 21:00 Is an ok time to put a child to bed. Does the child do any activities that will tire him out in the daytime? You can still train your child to do this. It also gives you time to your self before going to bed. getting up before 09:00 is unfortunately fairly normal for children.

  8. Your child is 3 years old. Sleeping patterns should be established and you should put the child to bed much earlier than midnight 8 pm at the latest.

    .. should then wake up any where from 6 on in in the morning, You will need to train the child it sounds like. If trouble falling asleep play some soothing music to relax read a bed time story.

    You should never allow a child that age to be up until midnight it is plainly not healthy.

  9. i lay my 3 year old down for bedtime at 7:30 pm as well as my 6 month old that gives them enough sleep as well as keep them from being very cranky. i also put them dowm 4 a pm nap at 12:00-2 that works 4 me as well as them.

  10. My 3 year old goes to bed between 8-9 and is up around 7-8 the next morning. She takes a nap from arouns 1-2:30-3.

  11. He/she shouldn't sleep more than 1.5 hrs during the day if you want him to go to bed early. If you mean he goes to bed at midnight that's way toolate. at that age they should go to sleep by 9pm

  12. Child needs1 hour of a Power Nap and go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 9am. Thats what are son did when he was 2 to 8 yrs old.

  13. The normal sleeping for a child under four years old  is ten hours; but you know what they design their own sleep. They only sleep when they feel like but don’t worry it will be over as soon as he turns four or five.

    Good luck

  14. he is falling asleep to late before bedtime. it is usually pretty easy to get him out of this schedule. at 3, i wouldn't let him nap PAST 14:00. if he is still asleep, wake him up and rouse him to make him alert. you will have to stay on it a day or 2. keep him busy until he stays awake. you might have to adjust it even more. mabey let him nap at 11am unitl 1pm. once he starts going to bed for the night at a decent time (8pm or 9pm) then he will wake up earlier, which in turn will make him want to nap earlier. 1 or 2 days  of this and he should regularly be ready on his own. you should make him lay down and have "calm" time during the times you want him too nap, if he doesn't fall asleep right away at first. this will get him in the schedule of resting at this time. have him look at books or watch a little tv, but make sure he doesn't get up. if he does, keep redirecting him back, and telling him firmly it is naptime. this always worked with my children, but i know all kids are different. it might take a few days if he is stubborn but eventually it will work if you keep him awake, becuase he will eventually be tired. i actually would make my kids skip naps if we were busy, and gone and they tried to fall asleep later than 3pm. i never had a problem. good luck though!!!

  15. Not normal... but probably what he's been taught.

    I would send him to bed (whether he likes it or not) at 7:30pm.  I would expect him to sleep about 12 hours straight through the night.  If you think his afternnon naps are going to mess with this, I would eliminate nap time.

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