
What are the number one reasons of captive snakes dieng other then natural causes, and how to avoid them..?

by Guest63873  |  earlier

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What are the number one problem snake owners encounter that can make it a fatality to the snake, and how to avoid it?




  1. well this is happening rite now with my rough green snake well he just inst eating so eating problems

  2. there not being provided with enough hiding places. So they get nervous and they don't eat and die of hunger.

    Wrong temperature .  

  3. first of all i would just like to say to sasuke9379 rough green snakes are one of the hardest snakes to care for they require exacting care attention and set-up correct levels of airflow humidity etc and any slight stress of illness can lead to death and they just dont bounce back from these things. i hope your snakes get better but i just thought i would prepare u for the worst.

    as for the question

    improper or poor care, bad hygiene, impaction, non feeding, incorrect environment, stress, disease (usually caused by one of the above) the list goes on and on lol  

  4. the owner not being educated!! i bought my first snake before i knew alot about them and just automatically assumed the pet store lady would know what she was talking about. i got cage carpet for my snake and her tooth got stuck on it and she i guess choked. im actually not sure what happened to her but i found her and it appeared she bit down on the carpet and couldnt get lose. im thinking maybe her tooth snagged and she just made it worse trying to free herself =( there are many things that could kill or harm your snake..just educate yourself first!! what happened with me is just an example of something that could go wrong

  5. not properly prepared owners and bad pet choices. do your research and choose an animal species appropriate to your experience level in the hobby. too many people buy something out of their league and then wonder why they failed.

  6. - wrong temperature which causes infections - know your species! ALso your snakes should not be in fish tanks which hold moisture and lose heat too quickly

    - bad food, either parasite ridden prey or unsafely defrosted which can make a snake very sick. Treat frozen food like you would your own - defrost once and in the fridge then let warm.

    - do not feed on pelleted/shaving substrates. If a snake swallows the material it lays on it can die from an impaction

    - mishandling, people have dropped their snakes or taunted them and the poor things have smacked the glass and smashed bones. Snakes need a hide and to feel safe

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