
What are the nursing responsibilities for pregnancy test?

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we're currently making our case study, please help us. What are the nursing responsibilities for pregnancy test?




  1. Hmmmmmm....... I had forgotten that despite the over the counter pregnancy testing kits, that people do actually use their doctors to order a pregnancy test.

    There is no formality that I know of. Common sense would prevail here. Make sure you give the urine cup to the patient. When the patient gives  you the urine cup back, double check that you have the correct label for the patient and her urine before you place the label on the urine cup. Make a note in the patients chart that the urine was collected (date/time) and sent to the lab.

    I would imagine that those are your only responsibilities for collecting the urine, and to put the results in the patients chart when they come back from the lab. Then give the chart to the doctor to review the results, OR the doctor may have the nurse review the results and call the patient with the results.  

  2. Is this an OTC variety or a speciman that you collect in clinic? Like any speciman, you have a responsibility to ensure that the patient understands how to collect the speciman, that it is properly labelled (in the case of a speciman collected in clinic) and transported promptly to the lab (you don't necessarily have to transport it, but make sure that it gets done. I don't think it is a nursing responsibility necessarily to discuss the accuracy of the test in terms of false-positives etc.

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