
What are the objections to the Dream Act?

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I approve of border control and the border fence. I don't have any real problem with deportation, especially criminals. I just don't really understand the problem with the Dream Act. Here's a brief description of the proposal.

Children who are brought to the USA before they are 15, have been here for at least 5 years, graduate high school, and have no criminal record can become legal if they do the following within 6 years: complete two years of college or two years in the military while maintaining a clean record. They also would not be eligible for Pell grants during this time but they could take out loans.

This has been voted down but I don't understand the reasoning. What is the issue with this?

It usually just sounds like the reason is anger at the parents for coming here illegally. These people were brought here as children, so I really don't like punishing them for the actions of their parents. I especially like the idea of military service. If we have a problem with assimilation, the military is a great place to fix that problem.

I hope the answer isn't just "make them go back where they came from" because these kids don't have any real place to go back to. They were brought here and they've spent the most important part of their young lives here. I just really don't like punishing kids who live right because their parents didn't.

By the way, I do hope for sincere answers that aren't angry. I am open to changing my mind on this issue.




  1. It sounds reasonable to me, but I haven't read the entire Act itself.  There may be some question on the fact that these same children and their families have lived illegally in the U.S. for five years, which would be a criminal act.

  2. It would encourage more illegal immigration. The loopholes in the act were huge. Fraud would be rampant,just as it was with the amnesty given back in 1986. Anyone up to the age of 30 could qualify. They would also qualify for in state tuition which our own children do not qualify for. All those "children" could then petition for their families who have already lived here illegally. Rewarding illegal behavior just breeds more of it.  

  3. Think of it this way; If I took my child with me to beat your child to death you believe my child should be rewarded? Taking a child during the commission of a crime is bad enough but to reward such behavior is tantamount to saying commit a crime get a reward! What should their next crime be? Murder? Or should they start out a little slower with armed robbery?

    Why is it so hard to understand that rewarding people for a criminal act is just going to cause problems later?

  4. the overarching objection is "I DON'T LIKE MEXICANS!!!!"

  5. It's a nightmare for citizens.

  6. Jan is dead on. Additionally, the faltering U.S. economy may not be able to continue finding the funds to provide for the welfare of invading foreign nationals.

    All those who want U.S. authorities to ignore U.S. law and coddle border-jumping criminals should be required to sign a register.  Those who sign a pro-illegals register should be billed for all expenses related with dealing with law-breaking foreigners.  The savings to U.S. taxpayers could then be used to help OUR OWN CITIZENS................

    Fences and ICE raids have been most effective so far. Why change to a "Dream" when we've finally found something real that is working?

    Also, simply because I happen to be a close neighbor, does this mean that that circumstance obligates you to support me in achieving my desires - even though it is illegal to do so. You can believe that if our position, with our neighbors to the south, was reversed - there would be no social programs nor legislation to help Los Gringos del Norte........  

  7. It provides a financial reward to those with no legal right to be here in the 1st place.

  8. It paves the way to citizenship. Why is Washington selling our citizenship so easily? Doesn't this worry you? It should! Their parents came here illegally, If we keep making concession they will see no point in following the law and coming over legally

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