
What are the odds Palin WON'T be nominated for VP?

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There's the troopergate case, a 17 yr old pregnant daughter, her lying in her first speech about being against the bridge to nowhere, her husband with a DWI, her own conviction for fishing with an illegal net, and her belonging to a group that wanted to secede from the union. Will they really still nominate her?




  1. Considering that I think McCain chose her specifically to quietly throw the election...I think she is a shoe in.

    You don't think that the Republicans would sacrifice a perfectly good male politician, do you?

  2. 0%.

    Sarah Palin will be the next Vice President of the United States of America.

    deal with it.

  3. i am going to die laughing if they don't or she drops out.   I live in a red state (tx) and mostly all of my co workers are republicans  i'm the only democrat and all of them have high praise for Palin  

  4. If I could pick a number lower than zero, I would.

    But since I can't, the odds are 0%

  5. Not nominating her would look even worse for the McCain campaign...I don't see the big deal, Sarah Palin is the VP, not her daughter. Plus, they are getting married anyways

  6. i think there is a good chance she won't stay as vp nominee if another skeleton from her closet surfaces within the next two weeks.

    as far as progressives and dems going after her kids, that is absurd. senator obama made it clear kids are off limits, and vowed to fire anyone speaking on behalf of his campaign who breaks this rule.

    i do think it is hypocritical that if this were happening to one of the obamas (that is if his oldest daughter were 17) or one of the bidens, the christian right would be giddy at the prospect of shelling out attacks against unwed mothers. why is it when a liberal has a baby out of wedlock its sin, but if a conservative does she is brave for not getting an abortion.

    oh, and if you think i'm a christian basher, quite the opposite. i'm actually a senior pastor of a church in southern california. not all christians are backwards conservatives who skew the issues to hold on to power.

    let's stand up for the rights of the poor, civil, women, and veterans and elect barack obama president of the united states of america!

  7. good now that she has to care for a baby

  8. The only way is if she steps down because NO ONE is going to want to drop her off the ticket because they would say its sexist.

  9. Yes she will be` nominated and she will be our next Vice President. It's scary that anyone would even consider voting for the B.Hussein Obama/Joe Biden ticket.

  10. I'm sure she will get the nomination but being nominated and getting elected are much different. She and McCain don't have a snowball's chance in H E L L !!

  11. She has to be nominated, If McCain withdraws her now McCain will be laughed out of politics forever.

    If he keeps her in McCain will lose for sure.

    Let her stay.

  12. Don't bring her daughter into this.  But anyway, his choice will swing some Clinton voters who don't care about policies; who only care about getting a woman involved.

  13. Unfortunately, the VP isn't nominated. They're picked by the Presidential candidate. The best we can hope for is she has more pregnant daughters, she and her husband are into wife swapping, or she's been having an affair with someone. Then she'll have to step down for the good of the no good party.

    This years Republican party is the GOP. Great old papa.

  14. Yes she will be nominated and will be America's Sweetheart.

  15. Well time is running out and they are quite pathetic at this I'd have to say- yes.

  16. Either way McCain loses. I mean, McCain has lost ALOT of credibility just for bringing her up out of nowhere. I mean he hadn't even met the woman a week ago.

  17. Very mature... Going after a nominee's child now?  Wow, liberals have come to an all time low.  At least she didn't abort, like MANY liberals.  She is being mature, getting married to a man she is in love with, and going to raise her baby.  I highly respect her.

  18. Yes.

  19. He HAS to keep her. If he admits he really messed up his first big decision...he is dead.

  20. Pretty much zero.

    Whether she stays on the ticket is another story.  Google "Thomas Eagleton" to get an eye-opening education on poor VP picks.

  21. She will still be nominated. Do you have any idea of just how bad her ever getting kicked off the ticket would look on McCain's decision making skills? They will try to counter spin everything as usual.

    Her true colors are showing, even though no expression shows on her forehead.

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