
What are the odds i become a pro golfer?

by  |  earlier

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i shoot in the low 90s everytime i go out i practice constanly




  1. May be, may be not, depending on how fast you can improve your game.

  2. Guess it all depends on your definition of pro golfer.   Low 90's will not get you on any of the Pro  tours.  But if you are talking about as a teaching pro.......sure.

  3. Not enough info...

    How old are you


    How difficult is the course

    What tees are you hitting from (forwards, tips)

    The same question (or different versions of this) have been asked before.  Check those answers - there are some pretty good ones.

  4. Not good enough !! Consider that there are many junior golfers throughout the world who are presently shooting par and a few  who carry a plus handicaps who will be the future pro players. You need natural ability as well as much practice to join their ranks.

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