
What are the odds if a regular person getting with a celeb ???

by  |  earlier

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heheh just wanna know?




  1. 1 in a million make it to acting business and singing and thats mostly how you get to meet them and build relationships.  so its one in a million    

  2. 50/50

    either you do or you dont Lol  

  3. not likely, but possible...

  4. like trying to hit the lotto, even if you run into a celeb, that person would have to work pretty hard at trying to even have them look at them, when a celebrity actually knows there a celebrity there brain cells change from normal to overly proceesed, and they dont know how to jus be normal therfore they most likely wont want a normal person, but some celebs are cool

  5. 1 in a sea but you can still beat your bishop to there picture and pretend

  6. its super possible. I did : )

  7. None, unfortunately.  They always want to go with other celebrities.  It breaks my heart.

  8. one in a million...



  9. i think it only happens if the famous person met them before they got famous.. idk what the exact odds are...

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