
What are the odds of Braylon Edwards getting Staff Infection?

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And how soon will we know? I ask because a couple of browns have gotten it in the past, and because of what happened to Edwards at practice there's gotta be a good chance. (For those who don't know he was doing sprints in his socks when Dante cleated him accidentally, and they then covered up the blood with Cribbs sweaty, used shirt. After that about a night later, he spent a night at the hospital for stitches)

Something bad always tends to go wrong with the Browns every year so I cannot help but worry.





  1. I wouldnt worry about it, I know something bad happens every year to the Browns, but I gotta feeling this year starts an era where we'll be cheering them on well into January for some years to come.

  2. Braylon Edwards is going to take over the league this season, he has great skill and I hope he makes T.O and Randy Moss take a backseat.

    Braylon Edwards and Larry Fizgerald are the top two best Wr's in the NFL right now.

  3. Hopefully he'll be fine...I know I'm hoping for the best...he's the main part of the offense so...

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