
What are the odds of Hillary becoming the nominee?

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And when will we find out (i.e. when is roll call)?

And what time is Bill Clinton speaking? Who else is speaking tonight? Obama or his wife? What time?




  1. In 8 years, she'll have a good chance. Now, she has none.

    Tonight Bill Clinton and Joe Biden are speaking.

  2. no chance..tho she got more votes than Obama and could win battle ground you are stuck with  the looser Obama

  3. Even though I know it's slim to none... I am still kind of hoping for it... I think the shake up would do well by the parties....

    I think the same for the GOP as well...

    We need to shake up how our politics are at the moment...

    Michelle spoke on Monday, Hillary yesterday, Obama tomorrow..

    If you google DNC you can find their "schedule" of speakers.

  4. Bill speaks tonight.  Obama tomorrow night.

  5. She won't be, so no odds necessary. Roll call is tonight, along with Bill and Joe Biden's speech.

  6. Zero.  The DNC is a sexist organization..

  7. She probably has a better chance of hitting the lottery jackpot.

  8. Zero. That would be the end of her political carree.

  9. Even money. Never trust the Clinton Machine.

  10. I don't think there's any possibility of that happening. Especially since she did get behind Obama. I think the media is just trying to create some drama. Stranger things have happened, mind you and the possibilty that it could happen, only exists because that's the freedom that democracy creates.  

  11. Not tring to be a wise guy but.....

    When did you post this question?

    That all seems to have been settled.

    Watch the news to night.  Better yet

    the DNC starts at 6:PM EST.

  12. 1/1000

  13. Less than 1 in a million.

    Bill and Biden speak tonight.

    Obama speaks tomorrow in front of 75,000 people at INVESCO Field.

  14. aparently you did not watch or hear Hillary's speech from last night.

  15. She has a better chance of becoming a popular Rap artist at this point.  

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