
What are the odds of cancer killing a 72 year old in less than 4 years?

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just brace yourselves for the breast pumps that will litter the white house should the worst happen. this country went to the dogs.

God bless this election.




  1. Lead poisoning killed JFK at 47 so what is you point

  2. Depends on the type of cancer, whether it's malignant or benign...and in McCain's case, whether he's had a relapse. His medical summary states that he's in remission.

    Cancer is not a generic product. Its ability to metastasise is is freakish in some types of cancer in kinds of people. McCain has shown no small amount of resilience in fighting it.  

    I don't think it's a particularly tasteful thing to be bringing up. It's almost as if you wish for his death.

  3. to many to count thats why he's not gonna win. and with a VP who has no experience he sealed his own fate'''

  4. statically a heart attack would be 1st

    a stroke 2nd

  5. Fairly high, considering that he has had every kind of skin cancer, including melanoma. It might not kill him, but he could have to leave office due to cancer treatments for metastatic melanoma.

  6. According to his doctors - ZERO

  7. no not mccain/MILF, McChimp/MILF.

  8. He is healthy now.  Cancer grows much slower in older people.  Give me an old American over a young anti American radical Muslim any day.  Baracka is the Manchurian Candidate.

    Edit.  Springirl according to the CDC the life expectency of a 72 year old male is 89.6 years.  The other figure is if he is born NOW.

  9. His mom is still alive in her 90's. He has a clean bill of health, and he doesn't smoke!

    This argument is dead.  

  10. its been to the dogs for the last 16 matter who wins  I still lose, and so do you.

  11. honestly i think the next president will die in office.

    mccain of old age or cancer

    obama by some white racist who hates black ppl

    Go obama!

  12. Just as good as it killing a 47 year old.

    Anyone can get cancer.  

  13. I don't know about the cancer question, but according to the CDC, the average life expectancy for a white male is 75.4 years...McCain will be 72.5 on Inaguration Day 2009, which puts him at 76.5 four years later, which is, technically, above the average life expectancy for a white male...

  14. Tell me the diagnosis Doc, skin cancers not a lethal killer, alot of thought here. wow

  15. Don't know, but I do know that the stress of the job could exacerbate a medical condition to become a serious issue.

  16. Mitt, you seem a little bitter about the snub there, don't you?  Looks like you are planning to sit out of the 2012 election.  That's probably not quite right.  When McCain wins this election, either he or Palin will be the president in 2012.  As young as Palin is, you better hope you stay in good health.  If she serves out her two terms, it may be 2020 or later before you have a chance again.  

  17. I would rather breast pumps than radical black muslims pretending to be Americans.

  18. Your sick.

    McCain did not have any kind of aggresive skin cancer.

    The skin is the biggest organ, it is easily managed, you can be 10 years old and have the same skin cancer.

    FEAR tactic, uh?   What a loser U R.

  19. I've been looking for an insurance table that would answer the question but can't find one.

    But my guess would be pretty good.

    If I could take out a term life insurance on McCain I darn sure would.

  20. what is more likely...McCain dying of cancer (he is in great shape) or wacko liberal Obama getting jumped at a Ludacris decide America.

  21. Your comment about "breast pumps" is pretty offensive, and I'm sure you don't really believe that a mother cannot be a good president.  However, I have to agree with your concern.  I'm actually a bit surprised that this hasn't been a bigger issue.  There is NEVER a zero chance of cancer coming back--even it it's stage zero.  Sorry.  But if your body does it once, the chances are higher that it will do it again.  I'm a cancer survivor, myself, so this is not sour grapes against McCain.  And while it is true that most skin cancers are far from life threatening, malignant melanoma is a very aggressive, life threatening disease.  That alone is a far bigger concern than his age.  All of this makes his choice of running mate more than worrisome.  

  22. If McCain / MILF pull this election off, it is going to be hilarious to watch McCains cancer ridden face rot away day by day on national TV.  

  23. The odds at this time are not that great, since McCain's medical records indicate he is free of cancer at this time.  And....breast pumps?  How very sexist of you.  How come it's all right if first ladies have children while living in the White House, but you say the country has gone to the dogs if the President happened to be a fertile FEMALE?

    What a shining example of the male gender you are!

  24. 18%

  25. would choose a former beauty queen to be ‘one heart-beat’ away from the Presidency of the USA ?  

  26. could be cancer, could be assassination, could be heart attack, who knows?

  27. If he experiences another bout with melanoma, it could be quick.

  28. John mcCain will out live Bill Clinton and Pres. Bush his mom is in her 90's

    A Maverick Never dies  

  29. huh?

  30. What the heck?

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