
What are the odds of getting a pretrial diversion with petty theft misdemeanor charge in Santa Clara county?

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It was my first time, and yes. An obvious mistake. I would do anything to be able to not have this charge on my record, and am willing to pay all the fines and do all the community service... I am going to be getting a lawyer, but I just wanted to know how the referral of a pretrial diversion program happens and if it's even likely I'll be getting by. I believe I am going to plead not guilty at arraignment and go for some kind of plea bargain... but would just like to know my options. It was a mistake that I know I will pay for, I just want to do my best to not let it affect my future as much as I can.

Also, I have heard that Santa Clara County doesn't even have a pretrial diversion program... is that true? & would it be possible to apply for it somewhere else?




  1. This is something to discuss with your attorney, however if the county itself does not offer pretrial diversion, you cannot ask for a change of venue based on wanting to erase your record when your probation is completed. A change of venue is only allowed when a person cannot get a fair trial based on adverse publicity or too high a profile for the county he is going to court for.

    Your next best option would be an expungement a year after completing your probation. Again, discuss this with your attorney before the trial and he can set it up for you.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

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