
What are the odds of my dad have 2 houses that he lived in get struck by lightning w/in 6 years of each other?

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My Dad had Live in a small town in South Dakota with his girlfriend and her daughter, 6 years ago. During a thunderstorm their house had got struck by lightning. It wiped out all the electronics and put a hole in the house and singed it.

They moved to a bigger town in SW Minnesota. and have lived here for 5 years.

Last night during a thunderstorm their house got struck by lightning again. It put a big hole in the roof.

What are the odds of that? And how weird is that?




  1. 100%

  2. Odds are figured for individual events. So the odds are the same for one strike as the other.

    Say you flip a coin, what are the odds it is heads?

    Flip it again, and what are the odds?

    They are the same since one instance has nothing to do with the other.

    Also tell your dad to invest in some Lightning rods. My parents live in a house on a huge hill, and lighting storms are common in the summer. Never had any damage to our house when we were hit, which has been a couple of times.

  3. the odds are the same as winning the lottery twice

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