
What are the odds of the seeds that one saves from white nectarines producing trees that bear the same fruit?

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My parents used to save peach seeds, and the trees produced the same or similar fruit.

Please answer only if you really do know something about this matter.




  1. Generally when dealing with fruit you have to have both male and female seeds. So if you've got a mixture go ahead and plant them and they will bear fruit as long as the conditions are right.

  2. if they follow the basic mendelian principles of inheritance, then 3 out of 4 seedlings shud follow the parents quality for he first generation.but, unfrtunately, it isnt thgat simple and its a comple interplay of charactrs which decides how the offspring shud be. but this is only for sexually produced progenyif it eproduces vegetatively, it will always produce like the parents if the conditions provided r identical

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