
What are the odds she could get full custody back in the State of Michigan?

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My fiancee currently has sole legal and physical custody of his 3 year old from a previous relationship. This "woman" started doing heroin, even getting pregnant and continuing this heroin addiction through/after her pregnancy (crack too...)

She obviously lost custody of the 3 year old to my fiancee, and the younger baby was placed in temp. care of HER mom (the kids grandma.) Well his ex may get the younger baby back from guardianship in Aug. and started threatening us saying she's taking the 3 year old back- now, my fiancee is working a stable county job and I'm a stay at home mom to their 3 yr old and our 10 month old. I don't think the courts would ever grant HER sole legal or physical custody after what she has done, although I can see her getting partial physical custody back SOMEDAY it seems far fetched to me that she thinks she'll get FULL custody back so soon. Do you think she'll be able to, or am I getting myself worried over nothing? I love the kid like shes my own!!!




  1. not sure how soon it will be but if she is rehabed, clean, and for a certain amount of time (judge prob decide) IF ever possible the state keeps kids with the bio parents, they will end up trying to rehab her and get her help so she can get them back, esp when it is a mom verses a dad, now other bio family like grandma could keep and try to keep custody by pushing things...... I could write a book on this topic,lol but Im tired :) lol sorry

    4th year social work student

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