
What are the odds that my hamster eats her babies?

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i really don't want her to eat them.and that's just gross




  1. unfortunately hamsters sometimes do eat their babies.

  2. if you mess with the babys to much she will eat them. or if there sick she will

  3. if one of the babies dies, she will eat it

  4. If one of them are hurt, sick, or threatened, she will eat it. Fortunately, you will probably have a couple left. Yes, it's gross, but it's instinct. You can't stop it.  

  5. It really all depends on the hamster and your home environment.

    Things that will help reduce the possibility:

    Make she gets the proper nutrition during and after her pregnancy.

    Keep her cage in a quiet, low traffic place in your house.

    Dont touch any of the babies.

    You  have to check on the nest daily to remove any of them that may have died, when doing this, wait until she leaves the nest and remove her from the cage, then carefully check on the nest, removing any dead babies with long tweezers. Put the nest back together and return her to the cage.

    Leave her alone as much as possible.

    Don't change the nest bedding, only change the bedding in the half of the cage away from her and her nest, she'll change the bedding of the nest as needed.

    Also if she's a first time mom she may not know what to do and dispite every precaution she may still turn on her litter.

    If she does eat her babies, what ever the reason, don't breed her again. It only increases the likelyhood on her doing it again

  6. If she is a first time mother, then she is more likely to eat them than one that has already had babies.

    If one is sick or dies, then she will eat that one.

  7. It is very common.

  8. The odds are pretty low. If there is a male hamster he may eat a few so separate them before she gives birth (or ASAP). It IS gross. I saw a dad hamster eat his babies. I was so upset and confused; it turned out they hadn't been fed in a few days and the poor old guy was just really hungry :S.

  9. If you don't touch the babies or interfere with the nest at all then the chances of her eating her babies is pretty slim. It's only really when you touch her or her babies that she'll reject them and consume them to eliminate their place in her home.

  10. If they are sick, die, she feels they are threatened or won't be able to care for them, chances are she'll eat them.

    Yes it's gross, but that's the way they are. Nothing you can really do about it.

    Just leave them alone and hope for the best.

  11. eww that's gross, do they really do that ?

  12. there really isnt any odds.

    ive had 3 different female hamsters...all of them ate all of there babies, all at various times of the babies first 2 weeks of life sadly.

    all 3 came from different places and were different kinds of hamsters.

    if the mother is young, she will eat them. if she thinks theres something wrong with the baby, she will eat them. if she feels the babies are in harm, she will eat them.

    there are no odds and nothing you can do to stop it really. all i can suggest is dont go near the cage and perhaps put it out of site so nothing is ever passing by it or making noise around it and hope for the best.

  13. The odds depend on the situation: Noise, interruption, she feels threatened, if you touched her newborns. Just make sure you make her environment safe, give her plenty of food, vitamins, and water, stress free. Don't go near her babies. By the time the babies opened their eyes, you can touch them, that's what I did with mine, and I am 99% my hamster did not eat her babies.

  14. Hamsters eat their pups for several reasons.  If she feels very stressed she could eat them.  If a pup is born unhealthy the mother may eat it then too.  Another reason is she can't take care of the whole litter.  Another reason is if you handle the pups.  

    Chances are if your female is healthy nothiing will happen to the babies as long as you leave the mother alone to take care of them.  Don't change the cage for three weeks.  It's important nothing gets disturbed so the mom doesn't get upset.  Don't pick them up either until they are three to four weeks old.  

    Please understand sometimes this happens for reasons we don't always understand.  I have had several litters grow up in my home over the years and I've seen it happen.  It's sad but it's just how nature is which can seem pretty harsh.  

  15. 99/100

  16. they need to stay with their mother awhile, but look up what care a mothering hamster needs, so that chances are slimmer, and stay away from the babies. if one is albino, keep it away from her, as that one will be in most danger.  try separating the hamsters into different cages, slightly spread apart, and look up how to care for baby hamsters. it may be expensive, but if you love your hamsters, do this, and keep what you can and give others away to nice homes-please not the humane society, if you can help it. i dont know why they call themselves humane, because if animals there are wanted for about five days only, then they put the animals to sleep. animals should only be put to sleep if they are in serious pain and cant be helped. other wise it is murder!

  17. 50 50. If she is a first time mother it is more common, but this is caused by stress. Or if the babies have deformities, or something is wrong with them she will eat them. Also if there are too many and she doesn't feel she can take care of them she may eat some.

    Good Luck!

  18. Well... I don't know the exact odds... I do know that if you stay away from the babies.. don't look at them, don't talk to them, don't interact with them at all... the odds are significantly decreased. The only time you should interact with the cage is to feed and water the mum.  

  19. Well,sadly the odds are pretty good she will eat atleast one baby.But if u leave the mom alone for around 2-3 weeks after she gives birth.She shouldn't eat them.But if she gets stressed she may eat a baby or more.Its totally normal.Here are some causes of stress:Around music,or noise,being talked to,people touching the cage,piking up her babies,petting her or the babies,handling the babies,moving the cage,changing the bedding,interfering with her.So basically just leave her only for 2-3 weeks and she MIGHT be ok.But she will most likely eat atleast one baby.But it is normal.Follow these tips and she may not even eat one but even if u do,do these things.She still might eat one or more pups.Hope i helped and good luck!

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