
What are the odds that our baby would be allergic to cats?

by  |  earlier

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We have cats and neither of us are allergic to them, neither are any of our parents. Is that a good sign that our baby won't be either?




  1. i was raised around cats from the day i was born..  all my life ive always had a cat, and i am fine i dont have i schizophrenia..  dont get rid of the cats just yet..  the baby shouldnt be allergic but there is always that chance..  we have a cat and our son seems to be doing fine..  and the cat loves the baby too..

  2. If introduced early on in life i don't think there would be any risk. There is no history of it in the family so i would say that your baby will be fine.

  3. i don't know that cat allergies are inherited but i personally wouldn't want to raise my kids with cats. i read a study a couple of years ago that shows a correlation between an increased risk of schizophrenia if you had cats as a child. that is scary.

  4. Theres always a chance.  

  5. it is...but there still is always a chance i suppose. i wouldnt rush out and get rid of the cat just sure he will be fine.

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