
What are the odds that there is actually money hidden in my walls?

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What are the odds that there is actually money hidden in my walls?




  1. Same as those for hidden skeletons...

  2. I'd say your odds of finding money would slightly increase along with however long your house has existed. A five year old apartment? Really small odds. But a home that generations have lived in? Your chances might be a little better. :)

  3. G There is, if you mean the walls surrounding your perceptions. I just heard about a company principal whose business has expanded into new directions after some of his people participated in a session to enable them to see multiple perspectives.

  4. Thank you at the begining because of your curiosity. I had been listening the same from my boyhood. The 'ODDS' ( better say, the REASON) behind, is a little long story. 200/300 yrs before there were KINGS & QUEENS or something like those, when the rest of us were simple & poor public! All the "WEALTH" or "TREASURE" were owned by the so called KINGS, then the PRINCE/PRINCESS.

    Well, then, at a time, Kingship disappeared; all the Kings gone with the wind. But WHERE are those WEALTH? That's the curiosity of our forefathers or ancestors were! :-) From then on, a BELIEF is working inside us that somewhere, somehow, those wealths were hiding---either behind the wall (as you said) or in a large chest/safe! In my country, the greatgrandmas/grandpas use to tell us to keep an eye, wahh, to watch rivers, ponds etc where there sure would float those chest & safes with huge wealth, mainly Gold, Diamonds, Pearls, Coins etc, someday! :-)    

  5. You have to break them down to find out. Walls are the last place anyone would hide money.

    I is usually underground.

  6. Just rip out the wall and see. Isn't that more logical than asking us.

  7. Much better than the odds of winning the lottery!  So either start knocking down walls or quit funding my children's education!

  8. Zero!!!  The philosophy of walls and the philosophy of money are not equatable. It would be part of treasure island and screwed thinking.


  9. You don't look like the person to hide your money in your walls....... zero!!

  10. most times its money hidden behind those medicine cabinets with the razor dispenser holes in them.but it usually ain't much.loose change.but don't throw away old mattresses till you look.they hide stuff there too

  11. I will give it a 1/10000%... lol but this is VERY HARD!>>

    Good luck with that, if you foun anything let me know..:)

  12. ...fifty-fifty...good luck...

  13. You'll never know until you start breaking them down! Buy a nice 10-pound sledge and get to whackin!

  14. dear sunshine,

    the quote for the odd is actually what you can really do to explore about your potential to break the barrier that restrict in yourself.Once you have find the way to break that barrier is not just money that will flown toward you but it also will attracted many good thing for your ensure you can achieve it you must put trust into yourself and start breaking that wall for you to get what you really want in your life.

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