
What are the odds the tropical storm Gustav will hit Cancun on Friday?

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We are traveling to Cancun on Friday morning and staying 9 days...I just received warning that there is a blue advisory for Cancun regarding tropical storm Gustav. Does anyone know what the likely hood is that this storm would hit Cancun and if so would it effect flight schedules?

I have been watching the weather for Cancun for the past 3 weeks and the warning has been white all along so when I checked it today on and it was marked blue I started freaking out.




  1. You'll be fine. If it does, it'll just rain a lot. dont worry.

  2. Cancan isnt going to be directly affected by Gustav.  You should be fine.

    Anywhoo Im going to Cancun too, we're going on Friday September 5th thru 11th :)

    viva meh-hee-coo!

  3. My daughter and son-in-law are also leaving for cancun on Friday morning out of LAX and I'm freaking out too.  I hope it fizzles out, but it doesn't look like it.  Guess we will know something for sure in the next couple of days.  

  4. its too soon to know. wait two days before you decide and if its too strong we'll probably only get rain and grey skies.  

  5. I am leaving for Cancun on Thursday for a 7 day vacation and am definitely concerned.  I'm hoping it heads north over Cuba and weakens instead of heading straight west.  I'm not terribly optimistic.  Talk about terrible timing, but who knows, maybe this thing will fall apart.  I sure hope so.  If it hits cancun it's scheduled to hit Friday night so I think your flight may be ok, but there's a good chance they'd cancel flights all day Friday.  

  6. You will be okay. As of now it isn't going to hit Cancun. It's projected path is up towards Cuba and Miami area. Keep watching it though if it does turn to the west a little it will be in line for Cancun. As of now it's only projected to be a category 1 hurricane, which isn't strong at all. If continued on it's path it won't jeopardize your flight. As far as it affecting your vacation, it shouldn't be that bad. Keep in mind you are going to have a little more of a rougher  sea and it will become more cloudy than usual in Cancun and it will bring rain. Cuba is around 300 miles from Cancun so it shouldn't affect it too much. For a day or two it will more than likely be cloudy, cooler, rainy, and a little windy and after it passes it will be beautiful again. It probably will wash up some sea weed from the storm on your beach. Just keep a watch on it on the first link I gave, because they update it every few hours and they are never wrong. But like I said, probably only two days at most you will experience some unstable weather from it.  

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