
What are the odds there is currently a cure for Cancer but it's being kept secret?

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Why would they keep it a secret? A private battle between ruthless billionaires to decide who would profit from the sale of such a cure? Doesn't that make sense?




  1. I would say the odds are pretty unlikely.   There is so much money that could be made if such a cure was found that I doubt they would delay putting it on the market.  Additionally, for the scientist who discovered it- they would go down in history, do you really think they would keep that quiet?  Plus that, it would be likely to be a team of scientists and there is no way it wouldn't get leaked.

  2. This is not even remotely possible.

    Financially, like others have said, there's no incentive to hide a cure for cancer - developing the 'cure' in the first place would have cost in the region of $ 100million, so they're going to want that money back - second of all, who's battling over it? ruthless billionaires? This is the domain of intellectual property rights, that means you don't need to hide your findings, and if you don't announce your results then someone else who 'rediscovers' your 'cure' down the line can lay full claim to it and the ruthless billionaires have no come back.

    Lastly, but most importantly, there will never be a 'cure' for cancer per se - granted, specific cancers may respond to certain drugs that could be considered a cure, but in general, cancer is a multifactorial disease caused by an unmeasurable degree of causes - there simply cannot be a cure.

  3. Maybe the cure is homoeopathic, a Bach rememdy or a simple dandelion - and the allopathic community doesn't want to know!

  4. Yes, this is the case and it is very frustrating! It angers me that there are certain people who want to profit from keeping us sick, so they can feed us pills that they sell to doctors to prescribe to us, and yet all these pills are doing is treating the side effects of our diseases and not dealing with the root causes.

    There IS a war going on today between huge multi-million dollar companies that push drugs and those who promote good food based nutritional supplementation.

    The reason; because they know that if we find out about good nutrition, we will not get sick, and have to buy their pills to treat our sickness symptons!

    So you can see the struggle.

    Take your mind back to when Captain Cook sailed the seas when SCURVY was one of the biggest killers in the world, and was thought to be incurable.

    Captain Cook found that it was something in the fruits and vegetables that prevented people from dying of SCURVY or even catching it.

    What was this we ask? Vitamin C !!! Yes, just one vitamin was lacking in our diets during those dark days and it caused huge numbers of people to suffer and die all over the world.

    Captain Cook was originally mocked by the UK authorities when he presented his findings, until they discovered it was a deficiency of Vitamin C that made people susceptible to catch SCURVY.

    Now we are not lacking in other vital nutrients, namely micronutrients, which are produced when fruits ripen in the sun. However because of modern farming methods, they pick the fruit and veg while still 'green' or unripe before these essential micronutrients can be formed by the sun ripening process and then gas them on the way to our supermarkets, even if they are organic, and then we eat these artificially ripened fruits and vegetables which are missing the essential micronutrients.

    Is it any wonder that cancer has become one of the biggest killers in the UK today?

    We are also missing the 8 essential glyconutrients that are essential for cell to cell communication which is vital for fighting things like cancer.

    The BEST defence against cancer that anyone has is their own immune system operating properly in the first place to fight the cancer cells and keep them at bay.

    It is thought that we all have cancer cells running around our bodies and our natural killer cells get the message to eradicate the cancer cells.

    But through a lack of these glyconutrients, which are the vital substances that enable our cells to communicate with each other and order them to kill cancer cells, our bodies start suffering because instead of our cells getting the message that they need to kill the cancer cells they misread the message and think they need to multiply them!

    The trouble is of course, is that we can no longer get an adequate amount of these essential glyconutrients in our normal diets today, in fact it is nigh impossible even if we do eat our 5 a day.

    There are thousands of people who have sought out these glyconutrients and have seen great improvements and even complete revesal of their condition after taking them.

    It's not the glyconutrients that cure people, it's people's own immune systems that does the healing, when given the right ingredients, i.e. glyconutrients.

    The war is that certain groups seem to be preventing people from finding out about these amazing yet simple discoveries because certain groups no longer prosper from people's sickness!

    Hence they will do all they can to discredit these findings, which have been proven and verified 1000's of times over all over the world!

    So don't give up, as the truth IS out there and many people are already benefiting from it from many parts of the world.

  5. There is no disease called "cancer," so there's no cure for it that could possibly be kept secret.

    There are hundreds of different diseases that fall under the general category of cancers, but they're so different that there's no possibility of a general "cure for cancer." The words have gotten in the way of your even being able to think about it. Get a basic, rudimentary understanding of oncology before you bother yourself about paranoia over the subject. Where you are, you're just spinning your wheels.

    You also have a basic misunderstanding of how medical research is done. By the time a drug gets to stage III clinical trials, there are so many people that know about it, keeping a secret would be impossible.

  6. The donated money actually goes to cancer research. Many types are incurable, and catching early is vital for success in most cases. Diagnosis and treatment receive most funding, and hospice receives a lot for incurable cases.

    It is possible that it's kept quiet, but if it were to be leaked, there'd be a HUGE public outrage.

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