
What are the options for a young adult with Asperger's Syndrome to do after highschool in Canada?

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My brother has ASD. And not much has been done earlier as he was only recently diagnosed. He is an adult now but with weak communication skills. What are his possible options after high-school? University might be difficult unless it has a program to cater for his condition. Are there specific progrms, colleges or vocational schools in Canada to will enable him in the future to join the work force and lead an independent adult life?




  1. What is his wishes? What does he like to do. My brother liked to work on things so he does pretty good with working on cars. You can find school that will accomadate his needs. First you need to find what he likes then look for the school. He may not want to go to school and do some sort of training program instead, I hope he has good luck.

  2. Your brother should discuss this with his doctor and find out exactly how far he will be able to progress.  He should discuss with his teachers and school counsellor what specific programs are available to him and whether or not financial support will be available to him.

    There are many young adults, without this syndrome who have difficulty leading an independent adult life.  Jobs are not plentiful and living well is expensive.

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