I know that SCALISI is the Sicilian variant, and that SCALISE, SCALESI and SCALESE are the variants found in Calabria and Puglia.
I have also found this surname in a book of Italian surnames that stated that SCALISI means "worm" in some language. Unfortunately I can't remember the language.
Also, the surname SCALISI is listed in a book of Sicilian surnames by the Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani. I found it recently while in a book store in Sicily, but was rushed and unable to decipher the entire meaning. But I did see that it listed the name of a person, possibly the first known use of the surname. It was written in Greek, precisely as the following: νικολαÃÂ… ÃκαλοιÃι (nikolau skaloisi), that is Nicholas Scalisi.
Given it's prevalence in Eastern Sicily, Calabria and Puglia, I believe it has Greek origins, as confirmed in the above book. But I'd like to know for sure, and even more detail about it.