
What are the other functions of red blood cells and white blood cells?

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aside from the transport of oxygen and production of antibodies respectively




  1. Red blood cells can also aid in the construction of skin cells (scabs) if your skin is scraped to the point if bloodshed.  It allows for skin to be rebuilt under the scab, and then it simply flakes off when the skin is finished.

    but white blood cells, im unsure of

  2. help you

  3. Red blood cells only real function is oxygen transport.

    White blood cells are have several highly differentiated types.

    B lymphocytes become activated in a process called "antigen presentation" in association with a T lymphocyte subtype called a Th (T-helper) cell and another white blood cell type called a "macrophage" (a macrophage is an activated monocyte).  When B cells become activated, they differentiate into "plasma cells" which are essentially antibody factories.  Antibodies provide HUMORAL IMMUNITY, and they are expressed in stages:  early IgM, then later IgG.  These are principally the antibodies produced in the blood.  Other antibodies are secreted in the non-blood (not serous) areas, that is, the mucous areas.

    The other kind of immunity is called CELLULAR IMMUNITY.  This is provided by Tc (T-lymphocytes with cytotoxic ability) and by natural killer (NK) cells.  There may be the participation of other types also.  These cells release substances like interferon or other factors (TNF) that cause a cell to die (apoptosis) or to stop its growth (proliferation, cell division), because the cell is showing some sort of abnormality.  For instance cells can become infected with viruses or may become cancerous:  these changes don't actually kill the cell, but make it dangerous to the body, so the body has a SURVEILLANCE mechanism in which it examines if cells are normally.  This surveillance mechanism includes the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens that export cell proteins to the surface for checking that the proteins are what they should be.  The immune cells above then react if the proteins presented are foreign.  This is also the system involved in transplantation immunity and why foreign tissues get rejected.

    Hypersensitivity and allergy.  Some white blood cells are responsible for hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, and also for allergy.  These reactions may be beneficial to the body although they have very much unwanted side effects.

  4. well

    i dont know much

    but white blood cells sacrafice themselfs to fight off infection and stuff

    like if you have a cut or splinter

    the "puss" is white blood cells trying to heal or force out the intruder

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