
What are the pari-mutuel horse race betting payouts?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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pari-mutuel horse race betting system is one of the esteemed way of betting on the horse races. pari-mutuel horse race betting system is functional for quite long, I would like to know, what are the pari-mutuel horse race betting payouts? Please hel,p me in this regard.




  1. Pari Mutuel Payouts

    As an example, if the pool money after expenses totals $1,000 and horse one is two to one and horse two is four to one, the payouts on each horse will be different. These odds are determined by how much money is wagered on each horse.

    In our example, horse one offers less of a payout because more people wagered on it, while horse two, with fewer bets riding on it, pays more. The first horse has 500 bets, while the second is carrying 250 bets.

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