
What are the penalties for breaking....?

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into a universities server system and getting caught? I'm just curious because my Dads friends son got caught doing it at the University of Miami and got kicked out of school. Can he still attend another university or even a community college? Is this something that will be on his record? I guess I'm just being a little nosy LOL, but what are the overall penalties for something like that?




  1. Not only can he get kicked out of school, he could be criminally charged with theft.  He may get another chance, but it will be on his record that he was expelled from the school, and didn't leave in good standing, which will certainly give him a harder time to find another school.

  2. Expulsion would be a normal penalty.  I would assume it would be on his record, since he would have to request transcripts of his past university experience in order to get into another one.  *If* another university accepts him I would expect they might revoke any computer privileges.  As far as having a criminal record, that depends if the university pressed charges or not.  They certainly had the right to, but may have chosen not to in order to avoid negative publicity.  I don't know if it would be a misdemeanor or a felony.  That would depend on the wording of the charge and state laws.

  3. hmm - expulsion is just the first. if they made it a criminal ac- because it was one- and brought the police in then yes it would be on his record.

    even if the police wasnt brought in he would have to explain somethign to the new college.

    he would have to get a reference from teh college he was at and they have to pass on info on transcripts to the new place.

    i guess that it may not sound like a big deal but it is.

    i would work for a computer company that legitimately prevents hacking!

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