
What are the people in italy like?

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What are the people in italy like?




  1. discover it yourself

  2. I've been in Italy this summer for the first time.

    And have nice impression about italians!

    They are talkative, passionate, merry, family-loving, friendly...

    And some are VERY good looking :-)

  3. It depends on where you go. It REALLY does make the difference.

    Italy is one country, but north and south had such different evolution. In the South you will find a so called "mediterranean" way of thinking because of a long domination by Arabia, meaning warm and friendly people, but cunning and canting as well. Southern men are quite sexist and will judge on you if you look too friendly and disposed. In some villages arranged marriages are still common.

    People in the North are much more similar to european people.

  4. I've read the other answers and well, I don't consider myself rude. No way.

    Yeah, there are asshòles but I think they are everywhere :P

    I think we are quite friendly with everyone, kind, maybe sometimes a bit noisy but that's what makes us so nice :P We like having parties, dancing, singing, laughing, everything that makes us happy together. In fact, we don't like being alone and in Italy is not unusual to see big groups of people hanging out together :) We' re funny and crazy we like jokes and so on... :)

    Of course there aren't only positive aspects.

    Unfortunately there are ultra-racist people (I really can't stand them as I'm a person who enjoys getting along with people from all the world), some are rude (but few), narrow-minded people... At least that's what I have seen in 16 years of life... xP

  5. Lovely! They are really friendly and polite!

  6. My advide is to ensure you're willing to try to speak a few words when visiting, and if you do that then you will receive fantastic service and feel much more welcomed.

  7. Hi,I'm an italian girl.We are as you...some are crazy,some are friendly,other are timid..

  8. italian? what do you mean what are they like you can't generalise like that. there will be nice/rude/fat/skinny/happy/sad/annoying people in any city.

    you don't travel to a city for the people, you go there for the city itself. and italy is a beautiful city

  9. Like most other people, but with a bit more style.

  10. Basically one head, two arms, two legs... among 60 millions you can find anything

  11. probably the most kind, generous  and caring people i've ever met.  

  12. I'm from Italy (Milan), and I think that every one has got his behaviour and psychology so...this kind of questions are quite difficult...

    We Italians know that around the world we don't respect street rules, we are mafiosi, we are rude...

    But I'm sure that there are people who don't respect street rules also in Finland, in America, in Aus...There are people rude also in China, in Argentina...And so on... And the mafiosi are just few miserable people, not the whole population...

  13. Ugly Rude.

  14. normal. they live there life like they do here. the only different thing is the culture and language. and also it is more beautiful than here. how come we are rich and cant built big monument that are nice. here it is all city like. i only went once for nothing with my family. i am not italian.  nor my family.

  15. Most of them are Italian

  16. Like any people italians differ in personality but as a whole they are a fun,accomodating people. I've been to italy a few times and they are a great people as a whole. Someone mentioned that italian men are greasy, and that is true in some cases and the women are stylish and pretty.

  17. Italians are lovely, friendly, gentle people. I've been to Italy 3 times, and had a lovely time every time.  

  18. I'm italian...we are funny people (letsgo we are not rude,maybe you are...) we are people to meet! ciao ciao!!!! -Valeria-

  19. Obviously it will vary from person to person but when I went this past summer I thought that they were the nicest people I've ever met. Take a little time before you go to learn at least a few words in Italian.

  20. Italian of course but i've heard they can be very rude.

  21. Italy isn't a city Italy is a Country bananas..... the people in Italy are eguals to americans!!! There are rude.. sweet..... ecc....

    PLEASE NOT GENERALIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. i'm from rome..u can't immagine how is italy and italians..if u go to rome,venice,florence o some other famous city u can say to yoursef:where i was untill now??but every little town,especially in south italy,has something of incredible..history,monuments and art's masterpiece are everywhere..i live in rome and 1year ago we have found during buildworking a roman thing..anyway people is very open and u can ask everything and usually they help u sorry for my orrible english..

  23. For sure lots nicer than you, bunch of racists...

    and cleaner....lots cleaner

  24. Hi I'm italian I think the people in italy are very nice,solar,easy,kind

    there are a lot of good places in italy,I just think that italians are very very very good people

    don't guess that italians are like the soprano

    beacuse isn't this way

  25. quite rude

    they dont stop at crossings either

  26. Hi Jubs!

    Very friendly people. We like eating and food is part of our culture. We also like strangers very much, people from abroad. Sometimes we're loudy...but in the end you'll love us. We are attached to our family. And...well, come in Italy and you'll find it!


  27. rude

  28. The women are stunning, and the men are greasy!

  29. British, oh what a lovely war.

  30. Italian!!!!  They are nice, I have been to Italy a few times and have always got on well with all of the waiters, hotel staff, drivers etc that I have met.  The people in shops can be a bit grumpy but are they not in every country.

  31. I'm Italian and I can say it depends on the place...  In Northern Italy people are more shy and reserved. In Southern Italy people are too noisy and pushing.

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