
What are the physical addresses for the Submarine School barracks in Groton/New London, CT?

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I am prior service attempting to re-enlist and, for my background check, I need the addresses of the barracks (BEQ 488 and 430, I think they were?) located at Subase New London.

Also, if the addresses for Basic Training (the dumb SR <Last Name, First Name> format that I've forgotten) and Temporary Holding Unit (THU, where you are sent if you've completed basic training and are waiting for orders) in Great Lakes could be given, I'd greatly appreciate it as well.





  1. You cannot mail to the barracks. You have to mail to the individual via the Command Address only. Mail DOES NOT get delivered to the barracks, EVER! I lived in many of the barracks in Groton, this is how it is. I recieved mail via the school house when a student, or directly to the boat when on a boat, until I moved out in town.

  2. The BEQs do not have an address.

    Only the commands have addresses.

  3. I don&#039;t think you would need your address from basic, cause that wasn&#039;t your home of record.  I think you just need to put what unit you were in for the other addresses you want.  

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