
What are the physical anthropological characteristics of the Jewish people?

by Guest64629  |  earlier

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Besides the curvy nose and fragil bone structure.




  1. Well, let's see, seeing as how Woody Allen and Yaphet Kotto are both Jews, I think they physical characteristics they share in common are: carbon-based life form of a hominoid nature

    Hmmm. Hard to see similarities beyond that.

    Of course, if your'e looking for gross caricatures, you might wanna check the illustrated archives of the Third Reich.

  2. If you tickle them, do they not laugh? If you prick them, do they not bleed?

  3. Physical anthropology no longer recognizes "race" as a viable term. In other words, there is no such thing as race, and to give an assessment of the Jewish people would be inherently flawed. The truth is that the Jewish people have lived all throughout the world i.e. the Middle East, Spain, Germany, the United States and over the centuries their gene pool has become so mixed with everyone else's that the big nose and fragile bone structures (while they represent the classic Jewish stereotype) are no more accurate than characterizing Americans as big blond burger eating protestants.

  4. You might be surprised, but Semitic tribes originated in the Kashmir Region of what is now Northern India.

    They were the first humans (10,000 years ago) to domesticate livestock for transportation and milking, which allowed them to travel inland, without the risk of going without water...

    In Genesis 11:2, they migrated to into the Land of Shinar (Mesopotamia), and because of their excess consumption of dairy-based foods, they represent the original successful mutation of the "B" Blood Type, which thrives on dairy products more than any other Blood Type...

  5. Many Jewish people are of Semitic descent giving them a middle Eastern look, I double dog dare you to make the fragile bone structure comment to the face of a member of the Massad Special Forces.

  6. big ears, big schnoz    honk honk

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