
What are the physical care needs of children aged3-5yrs in a pre-school practice?

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This is for NVQ2 Pre-school assistant




  1. -Bodily Functions-toiletting and washing.

    -Dressing-putting shoes, coat on etc.

    -Safety-staff must make sure the area is safe, equipment is suitable etc.

    -Encouraging 'risk taking'-keeping 'safe' risks to promote them beginning to understand risk taking for their own personal safety.

    --Healthy Body-being reminded to drink and eat (eg more when sunny), encourageing bodily awareness such as water better than fizzy, apples better than sweets and why. Giving experiences of people who help such as dentist, doctors etc.

    -Bodily awareness: knowing the name of body parts so they can describe when hurt, and also for safe guarding reasons (child protection)

    -Growth and development: opportunitites for them to use their large motor skills nad fine manipulative skills. Making sure they are not too easy or too hard for them.

    -ASsessing if they are working towards the aims (such as Foundation Stage/Birth to Three)

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