
What are the pills that clean out your colon/intestines? And does it really work??

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What are the pills that clean out your colon/intestines? And does it really work??




  1. My friend has Chrones (not sure how you spell it!)..and she uses a colon cleanser.  She says it really helps her.  She is using one from Arbonne right now.  Let me know if you would like to try some, I am an Arbonne independent consultant!

  2. They are nothing but strong laxatives.  

    Do they "work"?

    Well, they make you p**p a LOT.

    But do they do anything else for you? No.

    Your colon does not need help "cleaning" itself.  It is self-cleaning and these pills are a scam and a waste of money.

    Don't be foolish.

  3. there are many colon cleansers on the market and it can be very confusing to choose the best one.  i think the 1st rule of thumb in choosing a cleanser should be, unfortunately, go for the higher priced formulas.  the colon cleansers which are sold at a relatively low price, are going to be, at least, less effective.  the manufacturers cut a lot of corners on quality to keep the price down.  also, buy fiber in a powder rather than pills, because powder is more easily absorbed.  a quality colon cleaner does work and while you may well experience some pain during the process of passing the build-up in your intestines,  is because fecal matter which has been in the  colon for weeks, months, or even years has become dried and hard and passing can be mildly uncomfortable to somewhat painful.  i have been cleansing for almost a month, and i chose the colonix - toxinout program from DrNatura as the best.   because it works over a period of time (1-3 months) it is the gentlest, yet it's high-quality natural ingrediants i am finding to be very effective to date.  what is also important to understand, is that colon cleansing is not a "one and done deal".  ingesting a sufficient amount of fiber in one's diet is something that has to be done every time you eat.  anything you eat that has little or no fiber, is not going to pass throught your system properly or completely.  when i go food shopping, i keep 2 things in mind: "minimize the meats" and "fresh is best".  of course this keeps appoximately 85% of the foods sold at most supermarkets out of my shopping cart.  it also severely limits my variety, but it is well worth it if i remember that the "foods" that pass through my body have a direct bearing on my weight, skin, hair, on my body's ability to function normally and efficiently, especially when i get sick, and my ability to concentrate and focus.   "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".  self-education and taking control of one's own health is essential.  this is a process and it takes time.  a doctor cannot  tell you what you are feeling.  a doctor can prescribe "treatment" for an ailment, but he/she cannot cure it.  only your own body can do this and a healthy body has everything it needs to fight illness and even reverse, the damage caused by diseases.  learning how to maintain your body, is the only way to acheive optimum health.

    good health and happiness to you.

    p.s.  spending  a couple of hundred dollars on an effective program may sound foolish, but when you stop to think about how much money a person spends yearly on things such as: clothes, cosmetics, acne medication, skin conditioners, hair conditioners, etc., etc., ad nauseum than the price of a good program is relatively cheap, and you can't put a price on good health.

    nuff said.

  4. they are simply called colon cleasner

    and they will make you go.

    when I mean go, you will be stuck in the bathroom for a while

    They will really clean you out.

  5. There all are whole bunch of different kind of colon cleansers.  They do work; they will definitely clean you out.  But they can also give intense abdominal pains, like that of when you have food poisoning.  They can give diarrhea so bad that it interrupts home, work, and social lives.  I mean bad!  So I don't suggest them to anyone.  A good diet with plenty of fiber and maybe even some Metamucil is much better than a colon cleanser.

  6. I use a supplement called cleansing formula from GNC . It works on all your systems at once . It works great

  7. I don't know of pills but I know that Chiro Klenz works really well.  Not only does it clean that out but it also gets rid of toxins in your system as well.  I use it three to four times a year.  It can be bought at chiropractic offices or online.

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