
What are the places to see in spain?

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What are the places to see in spain?




  1. It depends where you are in Spain. Madrid is full of history and can be a good spot to venture to other cities close by.

    Barcelona is amazing! I would suggest that you go online and check out sights for Spain,as to the top spots in virtual tourist and tourist bureau online. It's better if you know what you want to see and make a list than go there and be all over the place.

  2. Hi there Sonia! This is a difficult question to answer. Spain has lotsa differnt things to offer and do not forget; it is a pretty big country as well. So different up north than the south. So before you decide to go there. make up your mind WHAT IT IS YOU LIKE TO DO ON YOUR VACATION... The spanish beaches are VERY popular with the northern european tourist; in the summer it can be a real madhouse; so my idea would be going there just before the major summer holidays or just after. The summer can be pretty hot too.  My favorite place is Barcelona; there is a certain buzz there (very popular place though and crowded all the time): it offers some great places tovisit. it is easy to walk around. the food is superb (if you know where to go to) but it also offers great beaches. Madrid is more sorta upscale. In the middle of the country/ great things to visit (and also much warmer in the summer).

    If you like a mix of cultures; g to the south (granada/malaga)'Thanks to the history of this country these places offers you a mixture of different cultural heritage. Spanish people are friendly ( not everyone speaks english though especially in the non touristy places). So jsut decide first waht to see and what you want to be doing. Believe me it is a country that you cannot visit in just one week.... You jsut have to come back!

    Adios !


  3. Have a look at Barcelona see

  4. Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona!!! Beautiful city.  San Sebastian and Valencia are nice too.

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