
What are the point in Yahoo Ask for??

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What are the point in Yahoo Ask for?? What do we do with them when we earn them??





  1. There is no genuine point.

    even the founders of this site have lost what it was meant to be, and it has dissolved into a naked point grab

  2. Noyhing much in reality.  As you earn points on here you move up to different levels where you can do more, such as give answers a thumbs up or thumbs down.  But you can't do anything in the real world with them, except brag about them.

  3. makes u feel like more of a nerd.  NERD POWAA!!!

  4. I guess that some nerds will feel chuffed when they get a high amount of points - I answer questions for the fun of it when I don't have anything much to do, like when the computer is scanning for virus and stuff.

  5. errr....nothing.

  6. they're so we can feel good about ourselves - like earning a gold star in grade school.

    you need to use 5 points to ask a question.

  7. whats the point indeed??

    Does it make you feel more self worth as your points go up?

    I guess in a way its kinda a self encouragement device...rewarding yourself by helping others?

    But what exactly we do with them is a very good question!

    Mine...I just sit and smile when someone chooses myine as a top answer...yeah it kinda makes me feel a bit more vaulued and appreciated.

  8. Your levels change. The higher level you're in, the higher rights in the site you get.

  9. You need them to ask or answer questions. It helps limit SPAM. You cant do anything with them, except feel better about yourself.

  10. It's a dumb game, in which dumb people play to get as much dumb points as you possibly can. Really, it's all quite dumb

  11. The points are there simply for ranking purposes. The more points you have, the higher status you earn. If you are a level 4, people are generally going to trust you over a leve 1. You can't do anything with them.

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