
What are the positions of Obama and McCain on the number of H1B1 visas?

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1) the current number and law is just right - no position , no change?

2) the current number should be increased ?

3) the current number should be decreased?

4) other - please explain




  1. I don't think either of them have directly addressed that issue.

  2. They both want to increase the number of H1b visas.

    John McCain

    "I will continue to support H-1B visas, but, I’m telling you, the American peoples priority is, either rightly or wrongly, and we live in a democracy, is that we secure the borders first."

    Barack Obama

    "We can do better than that and go a long way toward meeting industry’s need for skilled workers with Americans. Until we have achieved that, I will support a temporary increase in the H-1B visa program as a stopgap measure until we can reform our immigration system comprehensively."

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