
What are the positive and negative Americans influences on the world?

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What are the positive and negative Americans influences on the world?




  1. In my opinion a negative influence we've had on the world is the emphasis on pop-culture and the notion that celebrities are important people.  

    A positive influence has been that we are the worlds oldest democracy and other countries really did follow suit.  Even some of the ones who still have a monarchy, the monarchy is just a symbol or figure head and the real power is in the Parliament which is elected and not decided by birth.  

  2. I will try to be brief



    1.No more huge wars between superpowers

    <instead, terrorism replaced old wars>

    2.Spread of democracy

    3.Global cooperation like UN


    1.Spread of materialism


    3.Sucking out all natural resource

    4.Spread hate among middle-east. Greed of US for oil

    5.Squeezing third world for money

  3. Let me help you with your question.

    America positives = none

    American negatives = everything.  Including the blame for the coffee spilled this morning.

    Sincerely, every European or Middle Eastern that woke up this morning.  "d**n Americans!  They're the cause of everything wrong!"

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