
What are the positive and negative aspects of playing with LEGOS??

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Also ,how this toy will assist in development...




  1. The negative aspects would just be the fact that the pieces can be soo small and can easily be lost.

    Positive would be of course using the imagination.  It allows children to play alone (and sometimes play quietly) still being entertained.  It's amazing to be able to create your own toys and play with it.  All this involves using the hands carefully.

  2. Legos are easily swallowed, and when my daughter swallowed one we were in the emergency room all day because legos don't show up on x-ray and appearently the staff didn't know this.

  3. Pros:

    - Builds imagination

    - Develops fine motor skills

    - Encourages constructive and creative play

    - Allows your child to determine their level of creativity, as they can simply follow the directions, partially follow the directions, or just do their own thing


    - Kinda pricey

    - Not good for children who are too young (they're non-toxic, but have small parts which can be dangerous nonetheless)

    - Can get all over your floor

    From a practical perspective, Lego is excellent, as it can substitute for many other toys.  As a child, I was able to build other fad toys that I didn't own out of my Lego, or construct other accessories for other toys that are pretty durable.  Also, Lego will last a long time.  The ABS plastic holds its shape and color pretty well (except older pieces from before 1963), so you can pass it down to the next generation.


  4. idk but legos are really fun i think for kids who think with the right side of their brain.

    because they have it like right in front of them and they can spend like 30 minutes building a spaceship or a boat or something :P

    they are kind of dangerous though of the kids but them in their mouth or chew on them.

  5. I dont think there is a negative as long as the child is old enough not to put them in their mouth.

    I think generally it is a creative non-violent, non-video game toy.  Its great.  

    Im 39 and played with Legos, my son is 12 and still plays with the Star Wars Legos.

  6. I love Lego's. I had tons of Lego's growing up and would spend hours upon hours building new thing and making up stories of pirates and spacemen and all that stuff. I think they're great fun.

    The two main drawbacks are: If the child is young there is always the chance they might swallow some Lego's (slim chance but always there).

    The other is that they can make quite the mess, after 5 or 6 years of accumulating Lego set after Lego set, it would take me almost half an hour to clean up. It did also teach me the reason it's good to keep everything in a neat pile though (clean-up used to suck until I learned that lesson)

  7. LEGO's develop imagination.  It also gives a step up to analytical thinking such as: I want to build do I do it.

    Of course some of the pieces are small, if you pay attention to the age suggestions that may not be a problem.

  8. I actually think there are no negative things for Lego, unless like its broken and you cut yourself on it.

    I think Lego's really fun and if your into stuff like that you will deffo love lego!

    I surtainley looooove lego! Aspeacially when you make zoo's and stuff, lol!

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