
What are the positive effects of orphan children?

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Like what are the most positive things for orphans in the orphan fucilities?"




  1. They learn the in's and out's of jail at an early age.

  2. well u can give the child t l c that they didnt recieve from the parents. it is a good deed.

  3. Trying -  Some foster kids have it harder than I could imagine but what difference is that to a child that is raised to be an orphan all their life?  Both have to deal with being an outcast, feeling rejected and never loved.  Don't think for a second that orphans don't get killed off on the D-L too.

    I was an orphan for four years.  I struggle to remember anything but it's obvious it was bad enough for me not to be able to hold onto many memories. It was bad enough where I have scars on my face to this day because of it.  It's was bad enough that all you could see was sadness & emptiness in my eyes when you look at the photo of me that my parents chose me from...don't even get me started.  Oh, I am a 'happy' adoptee.

    The one most positive thing about having to be an orphan at one point is not being 'saved', is not being fed, is not having to share a place to sleep or use an outhouse but the fact that it made me into the strong person I am today.  However, I would have gladly passed up on becoming a strong person, from being an orphan, to becoming a strong person from being raised in a loving home to start with...for those that didn't catch, this paragraph is full of sarcasm.

    If you look online about orphans you will primarily find 'positive' information which is all a front.  You won't find a lot of the things that happens behind closed doors.  It's just like when you have company over, most like to tidy up a bit...same goes when an orphanage is expecting potential AP's or media coverage.

    Spyder - not arguing with your point of view but  I do want to add that it is places like China that babies are killed off & have terrible reports of neglect.   I can understand how some kids may feel attached to the other kids they grow up with but then they face discrimination in the world, an embarrassment.  A lot of the kids in the orphanages don't have family that visit them. They've been dropped off 'temporarily' to only be forgotten about.

  4. Well it can depend on where the kid came from before. If he was living on the streets before going to an orphanage then his benefits is having 3 meals and a place to stay. Its about circumstances to me i guess.

  5. I think Gershom's answers are good -- really.

    Especially: "validation from other orphans that life sucks." Though I would stop it at: "validation from other orphans."

    Being in an orphanage would not be anyone's choice for how their childhood would go. But, I have heard from and of adult (and teen) international adoptees that wished they had stayed in the orphanage instead of being adopted internationally at an older age. What I have heard is, that the other kids in the orphanage were a true family to them, and that the loss of them, coupled with loss of language, culture, competency in their environment, and then on top of loss of their first family -- well, for some having an adoptive family at last did not make up for all those losses.

    The kids in the orphanage often care for and about each other deeply. It is not a regular family, for sure, but it can be a family of a sort. And in some places (especially Africa, but China also, not sure about other places) children in orphanages are regularlly visited by their families. And orphanages in some places (China, for instance) are getting better -- still not great in many cases, but better, in many cases with foster care or group home type situations.

    Not all orphans are better off adopted from all situations. Though all would be better off not having been orphaned in the first place.

    And no adoptee should be told they are "lucky" to be adopted or that they should be "grateful."

  6. validation from other orphans that life sucks?

    not being a child prostitute on the street?

    not having to "beg" for a meal, yet often still remaining malnourished anyways?

    and to those who are thumbing me down, why don't you post something "positive" for an orphan? any ideas? I can't think of one thing. Who wants to be an orphan? who wants to live in a home without their original family taking good care of them? what do orphans have? NOTHING. Thats why adoption is so marketable, everyone thinks adoption would be better for orphans because they have NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING. So it doesn't matter is adoption treats them good, or if their rights are honored or restored, how can you get lower from "nothing."

  7. At least orphans don't have all the baggage of children in foster care.  Their parents cared enough to give them up instead of keeping them in abusive situations.  I have seen kids who have had to be removed from their birth homes because people were burning them with cigs, sexually abusing them, beating name it.  There was one home where the toilet backed up and no one wanted to fix it so they all started going in the tub and it was so full of f***s!  They couldn't even take baths.  At least they are kept safe, fed and bathed in an orphanage.

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