
What are the positive things Hitler did for Germany? ( Not about anti-semitism, hate or ww2)?

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I'm not surprised, one could not answer the question. I want to know what positive things Hitler did, I am interested.




  1. I wouldn't say he did anything positive.

  2. He put the German people back to work in much the same way FDR did.. Building highways and other public works. Of course he wasn't quite doing it for altruistic reasons.

  3. Absolutely nothing.

  4. Hitler was an Anti-Christ; I don't see anything positive about that.

  5. He inspired a nation.

  6. Got they economy up and running after ww1, need money to wage war and commit genocide you know.

  7. He lifted it out of a depression, but only because he dumped so much money into military spending.

  8. brought the economy up.


  9. helped the economy, riled a sense of nationalism (although nationalism was a factor in fascism)

  10. People saw the absolute definition of EVIL.  The only positive that can come out of his horrible reign, was the goodness of those people with loving hearts who fought back against tyranny.  

    Positive... yeah right... don't make me sick!

  11. Hitler did do alot of horrible things. At the time that he rose to power  Germany was in a world of hurt after WWI They were forced to pay financially for the war--yet they were kept from rebuilding the factories and things that would help them pay back. Germany was in a depression long before the depression hit the rest of the world. Hitler trashed the Mark at that time and re did the money system.

    Unfortunately the horrific things that he did and that the military did out weigh the good things. He was nuts

  12. He rebuilt the industrial base and restored peoples' pride in the country. Unfortunately he turned out to be a twisted lunatic.

  13. He brought Germany out of the depression, industrialized and built up Germany's economy, industry and military and created the most powerful nation in Europe. Hitler had good ideas like a peoples car that would be affordable for the common man called "Volkswagen", also he revolutionized modern warfare-tanks, airforce, navy, and created a welfare and socialist state that protected the peoples. He united the German people(Austria is German!) and also modernized philosophy, aeroplane advances, smoking policies.

    Other then that he was an a*****e

  14. The old answer to that is that he made the trains run on time.  I think it was intended as an ironic answer.  He launched the world into war he killed millions of people--but he made the trains run on time.  Weigh that in the balance and see if you come down in favor of late trains.

  15. built highways through Europe that are still considered marvels. got the country out of a huge depression and revolutionized warfare.

  16. The only positive thing I can think of is the Autobahn. A lot of the techniques used to build it were adopted and used by the US and other countries to develop highways and super-highways.

  17. The only lasting effect that I can discern is his huge financial investment in facilitating Jewish immigration to Palestine, which, thanks to him, is now called Israel.

  18. Inspired the nation and united them under one cause.  It's an incredible feat, and it's sad that it was accomplished through the power of hate and prejudice in mass popularity.

  19. i did a report on hitler and the positve outcomes of hitler is that he expanded the medical field by ALOT. because of his treacherous ways and his crazy physicians we know how long a person can stand under water before dying. how much of alot of medicine it takes to over-dose. what operations is risky, the eye color cannot be changed no matter what, as for the hair color or skin color (permanently of course). alot of nasty things as wel that has helped the medical field alot that i cant remeber right now.

  20. He made Germany, a country ravaged by economic depression and inflation after their failed World War I, a superpower. In his reign, Hitler advanced the scientific advacements of Germany. Several of the Nobel Prize winners in thermodaynimics and so forth were German. This occurred during Hitler's reign as leader of Germany. Think about it, Germany is small and it conquered Austria, parts of Poland, almost defeated England and France if it wasn't for America. I'm not saying Hitler was a wonderful human being but I do give him credit for what he did. If only he didn't have a sick mind, he could've been great.

    That's an old quote from another Y!Answerer.

  21. He hired great architects and had some very beautiful buildings created at the expense of the state.

    He loved good architecture.  He also improved the infrastructure.  (For all the wrong reasons.)

    He gave scientists and doctors free rein to do experiments on people.  I guess they learned things quicker than they would have if they had any concern for the humans they experimented on.

    Oh man...  this is hard... he was such a monster.  NOTHING he did was worth it.

  22. All the testing  on humans that was done, as horrible as they were, actually taught us alot about how the body works and what alot of its limitations are.  Do not agree with how he did it though.  Alot of military strategy also and of course the lessons of the mistakes he made which made him lose in the end.  Also, the techniques he used to convice so many people what he was doing was right.  Im sure there are others although im not all that versed in ww2 and hitler ran europe.

  23. I don't like Hitler at all, don't like n***s

    But I gotta admit the Autobahn is very cool. Best road system in the world.

  24. brought the german ppl together

    pulled them out of depression and a bad economy

    but really its doesn't matter how much good any person does if they have to destroy others for their own selfish desires then they cancel out the good.

  25. Hmm, what a question. Hitler doing something "positive" or "good"! LOL

  26. the reason hitler came to power was because germany was desperate. they were not in a good economic state at all with very jobs and pretty much a depression and hitler promised to get them back on track. he succeeded in doing that and then after he had returned germany to a comfortable nation with all they needed he become the hitler we know and everything changed. once he'd delivered what hed promised in election he went to the path of emense destruction/

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