
What are the positive things about the U.S. of America?

by Guest31606  |  earlier

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  1. Umm thats a little hard considering there ARE NONE!!!

  2. The USA gives away more money and aid  to undeserving people than any other country.   Probablly than all other countries combined.

    Those who can find nothing good about the USA should live elsewhere for a while and then make a fair comparison.

    It is a shamed so many Americans act like spoiled children who are resentful of their parents for providing them with a good life.


    not after they invade a country for greed and kill innocent people to get the oil.

  4. Well, America rules. So that's one, but I'll give you more.

    You can drive 3000 miles without getting your passport out.

    You can become wealthy if you work hard enough. Many other countries forbid self-made millionaires. They actually punish you for making too much money or working too many hours. The only way to become wealthy in most other countries is to be part of royalty or government.

    Here, you are allowed to own as much as you can afford to buy. Actually, you can own even more than that, if you don't care about your credit rating.

    We don't get arrested for insulting our leaders.

    We are the ones who help other nations the most.

    We are the ones everyone hates, but for some reason can't stop coming here.

    Plus, you are allowed to have guns here. Not many other places you get to do that. The government can't just roll up and knock your house down. Not as quickly, anyway.

  5. The positive things about America are the things we live with everyday that we don't even notice or think about:

    --no caste system

    --no nobility or aristocracy

    --peaceful transition of political power

    --freedom to express oneself

    If you have lived in another country where any one of these things is different from US, you really appreciate how unique the US is among the countries of the world

  6. Well, it's not Britain...yet.

  7. I should say the only 'positive' thing would be it's great history, ' short as is was' it became a great country with a great mix of people who worked hard to make it so, a lot of great things came out of the US, and was looked apon by the rest of the world with respect and awe as it grew on the sweat and tears of the many who settled in that wilderness and made it their home.

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