
What are the positives and negatives of taking aderall?

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What are the positives and negatives of taking aderall?




  1. i got a great sat score thanks to a bombs. don't sniff them.

    like with any drugs tho theirs always risk of abuse or getting caught. its a double edged sword. I can't feel comfortable advocating its use, but i never personal had a negitive experince with it

  2. If you are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, the positives are you can finally focus!

    You are able to concentrate

    Whatever you just read, you remember

    You can avoid impulse acting, no running in the road to get the ball in front of cars, now you stop and look first.

    Longer attention span

    After a while on it, you'll notice you are better organize and don't feel overwhelmed

    You finally feel normal.

    Negatives are decrease in appetite

    Back to the usual when it wears off

    The Cost!

    The inconvenience-you cannot get it refilled. You need a new Rx each time.

    You have to make sure you remember to call your doc to get the new Rx.

    After a year or 2 you have to have it increased because you get used to the dose.

    I hope it helps.

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