
What are the positives of marriage?

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As we all know marriage does not at all guarrantee that you will be together and blissfully in love forever.. so I am just wondering. Also I am not against it, but I would to know legally (and otherwise) what benefits you gain (have gained) from marriage.

Thank you!!!!




  1. 1. Consistent "boink" buddy !

    you wont have to sleep around and worry about the nasty diseases out there. Plus, most couples want to please each other and its a guarantee that you will get what you want sexually.

    2. MONEY !

    two incomes are always better then one.

    3. Companionship !

    I don't know about you But, I like having the same person /someone to be around .....I mean, even if we are not talking and just  chillin in the same room, its nice to know that hes there:)

    4.  A Spouse has your back!

    If you get yourself into a little pickle.......that  someone is  there to help you get back on your feet..........emotionally/physically  etc.

    5.  Growing !

    You learn, live  & laugh together. Having a person to share all of the joys in life with, Heartaches etc.

    A person who you can have children with !!!!!!

  2. Its like having your best friend with you all the time, the bond between a husband and wife is a wonderful thing you know longer will feel lonely, you have someone to share everything life has to offer.. Its just a great feeling to know you have a spouse, as long as both people always remember what brought them together and where they came from and what they've gone through together..

  3. renew your vows and always work together.

  4. Reproducing

  5. Well one good benefit is to mary a rich man with out a prenuptial and if it does not work out take the house and half his money its wrong to do but legally you can. Or if you are the rich one get a prenuptial if it do not work out walk away with what you had.

  6. When you're married (rather than living common-law) you're entitled to more money if he starts "seeing" somebody younger and leaves you (or if he dies accidentally).

  7. My last name is shorter now, so it's WAY easier to sign a check:)

  8. legally, nothing.  

    if you marry a poor dude, you don't have any positive results out of the marriage.  

    if you marry a rich dude, you will pay more in taxes legally because you will have to file married.  

  9. Stability, knowing that the person is going to be there for you forever, combined income, knowing my children will be better off with both of their parents in their lives, not shacking up and just playing house.  There are too many things to list...

  10. The three rings of marriage:

    The engagement ring, the wedding ring, and then the suffer ring.

  11. By my husband and I getting married let me know just how much he loved me because he wanted to share something with me that you can only share with one person ( legally) by my husband and I signing that contract to be with each other forever let us know that we feel a love for each other so strong that we are willing to be bond to each other by the laws of our land that's a powerful testament of love not just insurance and things like that. Maybe the best way for you to understand what I feel being married is to close your eyes and visualize the man who has your heart standing on a mounting yelling he loves you for the whole world to hear that what being married is like and why it's special.

  12. Mainly next of kin type things.  Suvivorship things like implementing their final wishes if they don't have a will, making medical decisions if they are unable to make them for themselves.  You may be entitled to pension benefits as well.  Oh!  You get to keep all of your stuff when they die.  If you aren't married, their parents, brothers, sisters, etc will get their physical property instead of you (think if their name is on the house you shared--his folks get half of your house).

  13. Even though I'm young. (20) It seems like banks and other businesses seem to take me more seriously now. I had saved up almost enough cash to buy a car and wanted a loan for the remainder and couldn't get it  before my marriage. They had no problem after I got married. Also We decided to have a baby after we got married and now he is the highlight of our lives. Not to mention the fact that I know there is someone who trusts me about everything and I can trust her.  

  14. I like the snuggling, someone to come home to that wants to see me, conversations, kisses, hugs, just being held, someone to be there when you get a cold, oh and i like text messages during the day. Things are somewhat cheaper, car ins, you can pool your money to buy things. Divorce sux I have found no perks yet. The only thing I got left with is a last name I don't want any more.

  15. I suppose that there are, in reality, only a few differences in my relationship with my husband now that we are married as opposed to before when we were just dating, but I feel they are significant differences.

    1.  I feel our union is more strong, and we have a better bond between the two of us.

    2.  We feel closer, and more like we are two halves of a whole as opposed to just another couple trying to make it in this crazy world.

    3.  People in general look at you differently when you're married - I think it's in a good way.

    4.  We now share our entire lives together as opposed to just being a couple and living together.  Everything is in our names jointly.

    5.  We share our hearts, and our last name. :)

    Don't get married until you're ready though - it's a huge commitment and a lot of hard work!

  16. it's just him & i against the world!!!!!

  17. I have a good marriage, the company is the best part, and we have a good s*x life. Thats the good things about my marriage, and there are no bad things that I can even think of.


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