
What are the possible qsns. that can be asked when u are applying fr a student visa to U.S. ? also do giv ans.

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i got admission to Western kentuky university and i am worried about the type of qsns. tat would be asked , it would be a great help if someone would help me with some qsns. nd answers to some of the qsns....( tnxx in advance..)




  1. Jim B is way off the mark.

    Firstly, you will be asked to present the visa forms (DS-156, DS-158 and DS-157, if applicable). You will also need to show them your I-20 and acceptance letter, financial documentation and proof of your ties to your homeland.

    If you have been arrested and/or charged, you will also need a police report.

    No return ticket is required since you are applying for a visa.

    As for the questions, they will be the standard questions:

    - Why do you want to study in the U.S.

    - Why do you want to study in Kentucky

    - Why do you want study at this university

    - Could you not do this in your home country

    - How long will you be studying for

    - Do you have any friends or relatives in the U.S. or in KY

    - How will you fund your studies.

    - What are your plans once you graduate.

    There will be no trick questions, just answer honestly.

  2. The US Government is most interested in your ability to support your self while in their  country, so you need to prove that you will have enough money.

    Second they want to know that you are not a criminal, so you will have to provide a Police records check with no convicttions, from your home country.

    You will need to show  that you  have a paid retrurn air ticket to go back home, after you finish your student years  at the American college.  

    The visa officer works from a list  of possible questions, BUT they can ask yiou just about any thing that comes to mind, to see if you are  genuine student, or someone who is trying to sneek into the USA,  That happens all the time.

    Of course you will need to produce your letter of acceptance , from the college and your passport,  at the interview .

    Jim B. Toronto.

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