
What are the posted speed limits in Scotland?

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The limited access highways, the rural areas, the busier streets.

And how fast do people actually drive on them?




  1. as fast as you want as long as you dont get caught or hit someone

  2. The speed limits are the same as all of the UK

    But there are many :-

    20 in highly sensitive areas (near schools/some housing estates)

    30 in almost all built up areas (towns etc.)

    40-50 on some main roads

    60 national speed limit on all rural roads with 2 way traffic

    70 on dual carriageway roads (Highways with central division)

    Just follow the signs !  (or smile for the cameras)

  3. 20,30,40,50,60,65,70 it's the same set of limits for the whole of the UK except the Isle Of Man

  4. no one follows these speed limits i go on 30 in a 30mph ppl look and pass me as if i am going on 10!!!

  5. Scotland is part of the UK, so UK speed limits apply. However, once you get well out of the populated areas, there are miles of beautiful wide, smooth, twisty roads with one copper patrolling hundreds of square miles, so if you know the area, you can pretty much drive at whatever speed takes your fancy. Why do you think so many car magazines bother to trail all the way up here when they've got a new Ferrari to test?

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