
What are the postives/negatives of nuclear energy?

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I want to expand my knowledge on this.




  1. Positve: it is cost effective, plenty of it.  almost zero carbon footprint,  environemntally friendly (see waste below)

    Negative, Waste, If you handle the waste properly it is not that big a deal.  Coal actually puts out more radioactive material, but they have shorter half lives.  

    Danger of a reactor leak.  I would like to see the risk analysis compaired to other sources of power.

  2. first, man, that guy who said he like to see risk analysis  done to other sources, wow, talk about ignorance, risk anlysis was started  by nuclear power industry in Wash-1400 studies.


    positives, zero green house emission, cost effective in terms of operation, much less waste than any other energy source,

    and very safe technically

    Negetives: if the river near the plant dries out it will shutdown,

    the high initial cost  provides risk to investments, Uranium is not unlimited.

  3. OK, once working almost zero carbon footprint.


    It's not so cost effective as it seems: the investment more that doubles that of a coal powered plant and they take way much more to build. Besides, they are not made to last forever as one would imagine.

    There is no way to handle waste properly. If it lasts 10,000 years, who would you grant the contract to dispose of it properly?

    Edit: That guy said "compared to other sources of power" you know, as in comparative analysis?

    But say, by "much less waste" you mean in grams or in the environmental impact of that waste?

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