
What are the potencial problems of tourism in England.?

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Castleton, hope valley. x




  1. errr

    nearest supermarket is in bradwell?

    (but on the plus side there is room to park a coach there, if you can get it up the lane without hitting the cliff side).

    actually, only half kidding, i would say transport infrastructure is a  big problem up your way.

    byde, you sound like you have been there......

    ooh...... guided tours of the massive quarry?

    seasonal workers wont be much problem, high unemployment area.

    pollution - actually it is rather lovely round there, and the air is clear - or was 20 years ago- i have asthma so i can tell.

    current exchange rates favour european visitors and put off american ones, and possibly as british people tighten their belts you will get more taking bracing walking holidays in the dales instead of majorka....

  2. the weather and

    aggressive local pub goers,

    maybe the prices as well

  3. Well my immediate response would be that people may like it there so much, they may consider moving there and making things a bit unpleasant to the long time locals.

    I`ve traveled there a few times and is sure tempting. My family loves it there and would definitely consider it. The monetary exchange and cost of living there has dampened our desire. We currently live in the western USA coast.

    We promise not to consider moving anytime soon, so please don`t be like the French and shun us, OK! Cheers!

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