
What are the potential differences in how a being is laid to rest effect the possibility of becoming a ghost ?

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things like cremation, coffen, no coffen, leave for animals to eat, ect. the circumstances of death should effect it but what about this stuff?




  1. There's only one sure way to find out.Don't be in a hurry to find the answer.

  2. It's all up to you. Everybody's beliefs about ghosts are different and really are a matter of faith. No one particular belief about how/if ghosts are created is better than another, so go with whatever belief you feel most comfortable with. You are entitled to your own religious beliefs.

  3. I don't think esting place in itself will govern wether you are a ghost or not. Your state of mind and spiritual consiousness at death are more likely to be factors. I know of people who had strong feelings and attachements to places at death who have been reported at windows after thier passing.

  4. i have heard that if you arent given a proper burial..meaning you are just dumped someplace, then you can become a ghost.

  5. Some cultures bury the dead quickly, others wait a few days, others cremate and still others get buried at sea. I don't think that would affect your resting in peace assuming you didn't live a peaceful life.

    For some reason the living must "bury the dead" as a form of closure after mourning. It is an act of decency - would you leave a deceased relative sitting in his favorite chair? I'm pretty sure after centuries humans discovered they could dispose of human remains respectfully in various ways and make it ceremonial by marking the spot. This was good also for health reasons.

  6. Don't take this as "fact"...just something I overheard years ago. I heard some people talking and they said that when you're cremated you go to wherever you're going quicker. That's just what I heard. I don't see how they could know.

  7. The ghost isn't created by a dead person, it's created by the person who saw it.

  8. I agree that it probably has more to do with whether or not you actually get a proper funeral. Because ghosts are spirits who have a reason to be here: some frankly just want to be here. Some choose to come back (like that grandmother who visits you on occassion). Some have unfinished business, something they have to do, or want to do, before they cross into the light. The thing about a proper buriel is to help ease the soul into the light. When a lost soul comes to me, I pray for it, ask that he/she be guided into the light, which is in essence, what a proper funeral does.

    But I don't think it applies to EVERY ghost out there. There are as many reasons to why someone doesn't cross over as there are unique souls.

  9. When a person passed away from this life, it really makes no difference to then in what way their remains were disposed of.  A ghost is a person who died that either does not yet realize that they are dead through traumatic event (sudden death) or they have made the decision not to cross over.

  10. The word is "coffin," and I hate to tell you this but THERE ARE NO SUCH THING AS GHOSTS!  Thus, it matters not how you are laid to rest.

  11. It all depends on what you believe. Example - Have you ever seen an old cemetery with small, low, iron gates around some of the graves? Or iron gates around the whole cemetery? Along time ago people use to believe that ghosts couldn't go pass them. That's way they are there. Your body is like a cocoon, and your spirit is like a butterfly waiting to come out. Your really don't need the cocoon!

  12. it's a matter of the system of beliefs you've been raised with.

    for jews/christians, for example, there is no reincarnation, only a judgment for which all dead will rise; their bodies will be exactly the way they were while still alive, no matter if they died a day or five thousand years before.

    a proper service will help the spirit of the dead to get accustomed with his new state of being, however - there are blessings for food, clothes, liquors etc. (the spirit might still be attached to these earthly habits)

    the early buddhists followed the indian custom of burning the body at death. the buddha’s body was cremated and this set the example for many buddhists, even in the west. because there are new future lives, getting rid of the earthly remains quicker is the next logical idea.


    a picturesque belief is somewhere in mongol plateau, where bodies were left on the field; the birds were not only eating the flesh, but carry the spirit to heaven...

    'ghosts' in all stories had a great variety of ways of dying as well as funeral rituals. it is most often a matter of 'unfinished business' rather than the way they were laid to rest.

  13. in reality, there is no chance of any of those things effecting someone becoming a ghost, since ghosts are not real.

    however, I guess since they are not real, you can make up whatever rules you want for them. Many people have, and written books about it and made lots of money.

    Good luck, dont forget me when you come into your fortune.

  14. A ghost is just a spirit who is unable to move on. It most likely wouldn't matter how the person died.

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