
What are the potential effects of discrimination on the childe with special needs?

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including the family




  1. Mistreatment of any kind heightens the negative views many of these children have upon themselves. It places them at further risk for failure. Causes feelings of depression, guilt, decreases motivation to try, can manifest into increased behavior problems.....the list goes on.

  2. Discrimination against a child with special needs makes a child who is very often different to other children, feel even more isolated and different to other children. Very often children with special needs have a very difficult time trying to fit in with other children especially if they are in a mainstream school. All children can be very cruel to one another and should be raised to understand that everyone is different. Teachers as well discriminate against children with special needs, sometimes without even realising. It highlights to both the child and the family that they are different and can lead to depression and isolation.

  3. Does the child know he or she is being discriminated against if not whats the problem

  4. It could make the child withdraw and feel reluctant to join in.  The could feel alientate the child and the family.  It could damage their self esteem.  Are you doing an NVQ in child care.

  5. You'd be surprised.  My nephew is in a special needs class and he's gotten picked on a lot at school.  they tell him he's in the "retarded class" and of course that hurts him and we just have to tell him he's not retarded, he's in that class because he needs additional help not because he's any more or less important or special than anyone else.  In the family, well our immediate family knows he has problems, uncles aunts, cousins really don't know so it's not really their concern.  We just try to talk to my nephew as much as possible.

  6. is he being discriminated against? if he is you should talk to his teachers about it. they may not be aware of what is occuring. if the teacher doesnt or cant help, move up the ladder: principal, iep team, district office, etc.

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