
What are the precautionary measures to be taken for a hurricane?

by  |  earlier

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at home - with regard to food, safety, communication etc...




  1. Plan for flooding and loss of utilities, communication, and transportation. Ideally, if you are expecting a class 4 or 5 hurricane, you should consider evacuating your home. If not, then sand bags around your house can help hold off flooding in your home. Also, a bilge pump or sump pump can help empty water from your home as it comes in. Staying dry and warm is very important, so keep some water proof clothing on hand (both jacket and pants). Also, keep some dry clothing and blankets in a waterproof bag or other container. A first-aid kit, lighter/waterproof matches, and flashlights w/extra batteries are also a must. Remember to keep everything in waterproof containers.

    As for food and water, water should be your highest priority. The human body can't live very long without fresh water. The water in your home will most likely be cut off in a severe hurricane, and the water flooding will be contaminated and not fit for drinking. Canned foods are preferable, since the contaminated water can't get in the cans. Airtight, waterproof packaged foods are what you want.

    The telephone lines and cell phone towers will most likely be destroyed or out of service. A short-wave radio (walkie-talkie) will still work, assuming you have the frequency of the police/fire department so you actually have someone to talk with. This is very important in case of an emergency, since help will have a difficult time reaching you once they know you're in danger.

    Also, a small boat such as a row boat, canoe, or skiff is a great thing to have on hand. In a pinch, you can stay dry, warm, and have transportation if driving becomes impossible.

    I hope you stay safe, and don't need to use these precautions.

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