
What are the predictions for gold this year?

by Guest56648  |  earlier

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What are the predictions for gold this year?




  1. Gold is like the share market when is going up, u make the different in between and of course you have to paid for the service charge too.

    Gold will still remain high for the rest of the year.

  2. I predict it will still be yellow and heavy.

    Watch the dollar for pricing.

    I don't know how gold makes money. As best as I can see it just sits there.

  3. It is a good idea to have some gold as an inflation hedge.  Say, 5 to 10 percent of a small six figure portfolio.  The way all of my associates buy and sell gold is through the gold spyders, symbol GLD.   It does not move with oil in a direct fashion.  If you under 30, I dont see the value of a gold hedge.  Buy U.S. growth stocks if you are starting you individual investment life.  You will learn, enjoy and hoepfully profit over the coming years.  This is a great country in which to invest because there are so many creative and productive people.   And its a democracy which frees you to follow your dreams.  To fall and get back up.

  4. Going back to 600

  5. That it could hit 1000.  With very high inflation and a weak dollar, it's predicted to do very well.

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