
What are the present and unsolved agricultural problems in asia?

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What are the present and unsolved agricultural problems in asia?




  1. Deforestation and industrialization are causing agricultural problems in Asia.

  2. If you take the governments and the political systems out of the picture, many problems are climate/ weather issues. That is going to get worse as opposed to better because of the climate issues which is going to cause a lot more instability, and that is the worst case scenario for a farmer. Asia is the oldest general populated area of the planet and the population for the most is huge. There are a lot of people to feed and areas that are farm land of any value or production have been doing that for a very long time. As populations increase, it becomes more important to protect the valuable lands used to produce food, especially when climate instability is driving one area to become a desert, another area to washout from constant flooding, and still another to be reclaimed by the raising water of lake, river, or sea.

    Add to these issues how the countries governments and policies affect agriculture and farmers. Support in the form of money and policies and programs? Does a country protect the people from dangerous or out and out criminal behavior of some farmers (use of banned pesticides on foods or adulterated harvests and products). Import and export issues and laws that don't reflect favorably on the farmer who is the very base on which a country exists, for NO country can be maintained if it can not produce food for the people, unless it is floating on a sea of oil or gold.

    Asia, as well as the rest of the world, is waiting on the next calamity like the Irish potato famine, to happen. The problem is not the famine but the ability and resources to meet the issue head on and overcome.

  3. The asians.

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